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(OOC)trials and testing

| I have been well experimenting in a way, let me explain.
I have been creating post and comments with and without a certain moniker.
When i use the moniker,i get less replies then when i dont.
That means i have done the setup right,more on that in a bit.
For now i want to know,would you all like a character with the 'nobody important' persona?
I think it would be fun.

| Do i need to explain what a nobody persona is?


| Ah yte

| >>199588

| I mean, huh, sure, whatever?

| >>199606
Do you know what a nobody is?

| sure. let's do it.
-nobody important

| >>199620
SCP fan eh? Wanna collaborate on this?would be fun if the great nobody was more then one person.

| >>199620
SCP fan eh? Wanna collaborate on this?would be fun if the great nobody was more then one person.

| >>199628
creating random entries sounds good to me

| >>199640
ok. One last thing upfront introduction or hint at his/her/their presence?

| >>199644
personally, i will take the subtle route. someone else can do the upfront introduction

| >>199653
heheh leave that to me -OP

| >SCP

| >>199670
Calm down, i will of course change some things from SCPs nobody.
If anything its only the concept of 'a enigmatic somebody with all the strings'.
I only want use the mystery and grand scheme part of the persona.
and leave clues here and there that will eventually lead to the big reveal that nobody exists

| >>199690
I want it to be like a hunt for clues i guess.
I want players to find the well hidden clues and hints.
I want players to be left with the question 'just who is nobody?'

| Soo with my intent stated
And the character planned.
Who thinks it would be fun?

| >>199670
There are already multiple concepts from SCPverse in Glitch City, actually.

| wow

| how changed theme

| That being said, Nobody is an extremely complex concept by itself, one of those that require a lot of wrapping your mind around, as with Memetics and Anti-Memetics, for example.
It requires a lot of effort not only on the author's part, so as to write it properly, but also on the players part — to be able to understand it and follow along.

| >>199783
.....wow i just got that....
That guy RPing as Foundation
It was a joke the entire time........

| >>199783
.....wow i just got that....
That guy RPing as Foundation
It was a joke the entire time........

| >>199809
No, not sure about that

| >>199809
foundation is here to protect normalcy... Wink wink

| >>199791
Also yeah memes and anti-memes are a thing here,take merlin for example.
But how many time has someone taken something from SCP for like a story?
And even then, 'nobody' isnt unique to SCP, its called a persona for a reason, it is in other forms of literature.
Also i think it would be perfect for the setting.

| >>199816
Gaunter o'dimm from witcher for example, he would be considered a nobody persona.

| >>199816
Main thing about SCP incarnation of Nobody is that it under no circumstances is important. Which means, that no matter what Nobody does, it will not really matter or change anything, will not be important and he/she/it will remain nobody. It is somewhat easy to pull off in literature.
Not so much in roleplay. In Glitch City, to make sure none of your actions, despite being taken, will not have consequences of ANY importance would require you to be The Chessmaster.

| So, you can try to go with a character who really *is* Nobody Important taken to its logical extreme, or with character that pretends to be one. Either way, I wish you luck with it.

| >>199848
First of all: thank you for your support.
Second of all: true its SCP incarnation is like that,but who said i was going for its SCP incarnation? I just used him as a point of reference for 'what is a nobody'
Third:yes in SCP his actions are pointless, but in the eyes of the characters in SCP he is an enigma who *seems* keyword seems to be in control of everything,his finger in every pie.
Thats the look im going for.(1/2)

| >>199855
So im going for the prospective of nobody from the characters.
Kinda like Marshall carter and dark.
The moment people find out that his actions are pointless,he is rendered powerless.
But untill, then players will have to find the clues, solve the riddles, unravel the secrets.
And answer the question 'who is nobody'
basically im using the persona as a medium to play a proper Alternate reality game

| I will be watching to ensure that this SCP doesn't grow beyond the boundaries of what should be allowed in the /cyb/ universe. -Stormy

| >>199960
Worry not stormy!
It will be presented in a /cyb/ like fashion.
SCP is just a point of reference as to what a 'nobody' Is.

Total number of posts: 34, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1521912975

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