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The psychopath test.

| Heavily outdated, not accurate, But lotsa fun lol. If you know the answers, don't tell.

> A boy gets a levicar (nojoke) and a soccer ball for Christmas. Why isn't he happy?

> How many seconds are in a year?

> A man goes out to get a drink of water. After finishing, he looks to his right and sees a robber with a knife. He hides in a closet. If you were the robber and saw this, what would you do?

twelve answers and part two (Or, something idk.)

| -boy has no legs? Idk.
-run to a door, open and close it as if panicked, sneak up to that closet, kill the witness as he comes out.

| >boy is a crossdresser and wanted a dress and lipstick instead.
>A lot
>Become confused and start searching for the witness everywhere like a horror game NPC

| >spoiled as fuck. As they all are nowadays

>the fuck

>Order pizza with his credstick

| >>188901
Wow, uhm
Here you go guys:
1. He has no legs.
2. 12
3. Serious? Wait quietly until he- dude this is the easiest fucking one!

| >>188901
Actually wait, yeah you're right congrats.

| Wohoo! I guess I am a psychopath from now on -_-

| >>188892
>the boy is a faggot
>Who cares?
>Lock the closet and burn it.

| >you sure ?

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1521338704

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