
| im literally bored out of my mind, i only know this website tbh and i like its design and general vibe and i wanna some websites to kill time and shit besides reddit or 4chan cuz i dont fw them

| lainchan?

| Aren't those long gone www protocol sites wtf? Are you a time traveler or something? You're living in the past, maan. You're hooked up on some protocol from the 20s, maan. This is the year 20XX and we don't run those ANCIENT unsecure protocols anymore.

| https://zombo.com/

| >>ba88ff i need guidance in this shitty timeline

| >>1042760 Kino

| >>1042781 new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag new fag

| >>1042998 كبكبزطبزءظرورظءزؤشسدثجصضدثج123214حجسحشوؤكطئءؤ

| https://redscare.love/

| yeah, would also like to know more sites, for some reasons these websites are not blocked by IT guys here at work fo im trying to see which sites I can use without being blocked lol

| >>1043064
She got rid of my ad D ; now I’ll never find love!!! Someone comfort me!!!!

I’m back and I’ve let the darkness consume me. It’s too late for any of you- get ready to be a stone on the beach of a typhoon of darkness
I am SO starting my own Redditor dating site- and it’s going to be billion times more popular than hers and I’m going to wear million dollar black velvet suits cloaking my dark form in shadows-even a really big hat so you can barely see my evil shiny teef

| >>1043116
You should like do linkdin learning or udemy courses on your profession or read textbooks on it from linger so you can get really good instead and have the time blocked off anyway and be rich and happy unlike by dark and evil heart

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1739035372

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