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romcoms and shojos are the forbidden elixir

| theyre such a guilty pleasure to watch but i cant stop doing it

| >>981730 why would you stop? Like what's the problem with watching them?

| >>981736
low-status people sometimes pretend to look down on random stuff because they think it makes them look smart

you're not allowed to watch what you like because intellectually insecure manchildren can't handle it

| >>981765 you can tell a woman wrote this

| I started watching rom com shows and El never looked back. I’ll usually lock in at least 2 every season. Watching the peak 100 Girlfriends and Girlfriend, girlfriend currently.

| >>981771 you can tell a woman wrote this

| thewly

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1698192351

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