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what happened to the "quality" and "animation" threads?

| they got nuked, not even closed and archived. what was said in them that got it fucking order 66'd?

| those threads always go like this:
OP asks a very broad question relating to portfolios, art, animation, and quality.
try reasoning with them and giving tips
it's still not good enough
shitflinging ensues.

| You must be new here, huh?

| Search "50k-chan" in the search box. In short those topics are created by one scizo Indonesian with shitty english. Always asking question about how to get rich quick, but never want to do/learn anything. If you give him advices that he likes; he will ask for links and more vague questions, sometimes giving you link to his shitty doodle as a thank. If you guve advice that he hate (practice drawing) he'll shove you a bunch if word salad that he consider insulting.

| Ah OK it was just more 50k Chan bs. I never clicked into those threads but was planning to, thanks for the tldr

| Okay, but what's the deal. It's harmless and can be funny sometimes. Mods just close threads just because they they don't like them/think they're annoying?
If it's annoying just don't interact, turn the monitor off.

| >>977575
And good day to you too, 50k-chan.

| >>977461 you actually know how to give tips other than "fuck off"
name one. use the search box hahaah
>>977470 nothing to learn from you since you can only parrot "fuck off " fuck off" like a schizo, lol
and your successful "fan art" of a steal have deride you from any functional level of a brain so, what do.
>this thread
seems like i dont need to then. heh

enjoy going nuts. take meds maybe.

| look at all these schizo so desperate for a semblance of respect for zero amount of brainpower and even probably muscle work just trying to call their hairbrain laughing routine an "effort"

you must ve lost the esport so hard you are here to be a joke of the centuries

enjoy being the angry losers.
i got nothing to match your level of self-confidence.

| >>7248d6

| >>977605 fuck off

| >>7248d6 lol lmao literally seething, whiny mist come

| >>977636 wash frisk butt

| >>977638 ok nigger

| >>7248d6 who the fuck are YOU, of all people, calling "schizo".
>>977575 you seeing this shit?

| How the hell do you manage to become a schizo neet when you live on a tropical island? Like wtf, why aren't you outside every single day?

| >>977667 not everyone is frozen in the brain like you.

| >>977674
says the schizo who can't even take the first step towards becoming self-reliant


| >>5b8604 keep talking.

| >>5b8604 keep talking.

| >>977730 do people understand you in your native language? because I have no idea what your english is supposed to say

| >>977661
Yeah and I find it funny. He just gets worked up over nothing lol

| Nvm. This thread is too stupid anyway.

Not even highschool level certificate worth

| >>977460
The OP of those threads of 50k-chan, a bandodging moron who keeps posting here despite consistently getting told to fuck off/threads deleted/banned.
Why keep coming somewhere you aren't wanted, huh? Pathetic.

| >>977460 as many of the other g/u/rls have pointed out, those types of threads are made by a well known spammer who we affectionately refer to as 50k-chan. Due to the frequency of the threads, we delete them rather than lock them (otherwise the catalogue would be full of locked 50k-chan threads).

| I'm the maid that generally deals with 50k-chan. Sorry I let it get so bad this time, I was really sick. ( >.<)

All cleaned up though. 50k is an ongoing problem not only for our board, but for many others. If any g/u/rls have ideas on how to deal with her in a more proactive manner, please let me know! ( ^.^)/

| >>977885
Thank you for your work. Hope you're well now.
I don't think there's a good way to deal with stuff like this, other than staying vigilant. You could try banning their IP range, but that does a lot of collateral damage and is easily bypassed with dynamic IP. Plus, VPNs exist.

| >>977885
Don't sweat it, you dun good.
I don't think 50k-chan is smart enough to bandodge effectively, I think she's probably just a got a phone with a dynamic IP.

| >>977883 >>977885 >>977892 >>977907
well well what a lazy conversations.
guess you are not so well off to be charitable either, or educated.
enjoy free pain.
i dont even need to try

| >>977936
Why keep coming a place you aren't wanted? It's truly pathetic. Answer the question.

| >>977907 Indonesian here, can't speak for all ISP, but the largest one has dynamic IP. I can just turn of my router for 5 mins to get a new IP.

| Wait a second, was 50k-chan here? Is that you?! I know where you live! I live next door btw
I'm gonna come over with a barrel of peanut butter to have fun next week :3

| Op again here. Ya know when i read it was 50k Chan I expected some sort of response from them buy not this level of flying off their rocker... especially since I feel like the initial comments painted them in a nicer light than they really could have considering how needlessly rude they.

| Also maid, out of curiosity are they the reason the captia is on A?

| >>978270
/a/ has captions because poorly coded spambots only posts in the first link on the front page, which is /a/.

| >>977885 *fucks your mouth*

| >>978270
I sure WISH captcha can keep them away. No, captcha is for spambots.

Total number of posts: 38, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1696466727

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