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Summer season 2023

| I've nearly finished my shows from spring, so I'll be looking for new seasonals to watch and was curious if you g/u/rls are excited for anything this summer. What shows will you be watching?

| So far Fate, Zom100. I haven’t taken a good look at the schedule. I tend to have 7 or so shows of different genres in rotation

| all of ghost in the shell

| lv1 Maou to tne Room Yuusha. I rememebr when Toufu was just making a long running Pokemon doujin on pixiv, it's pretty cool to see how far they've come. Also, Helck - holy fuck, the manga has been over for like - what,five years? Never though it would get an anime.

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1688569656

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