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Who's your Waifu?

| I was curious what the g/u/rls think of various waifus out there. Who's yours? I'll make a husbando thread once this one dies. :3

| I don't have a waifu because I'm not delusional and love is dead

| Suigintou. Rozen Maiden got me into dolls, and naturally, Suigintou is best doll.

| Parsee Mizuhashi
I just think she's very relatable.

| erika furudo (i hate her)

| Yuyuko Saigyouji.

| I have two girlfriends (I'm poly), but Aegis from Persona 3 will always have a special place in my heart.

| Kazuki Kazami

| Saki Yoshida

| The g/u/rl reading this

| >>961136 asking for my cat, but do your girlfriends also have two boyfriends in minecraft?

| Maho Hiyajo. Legal loli ftw!!!

| Beatrice from Re:Zero, she is a cute lolibaba!

| your waifu is a shit

| >>961360 im more of a leskinen kinda guy but respect

| mamizou futatsuiwa from touhou project uwu

| me, Pomu.

| >>961358
No, but they do have huge girl cocks owo

| >>961521 I'm so envious... :Q

| Akemi homura

| Just Monika

| >>961531 :Q trans g/u/rls.. *drools*

| >>961614 kys (kill yourself) 3d propaganda smoothbrain, we go for futas here.

| >>961657 uhm not tha g/u/rl but exqiusse moi but I pershonally like both footas and transg/u/rls, although I feel like they are both different b3ings

| futa shit is for faggots, its just guys with tits and a weak excuse for you to fantasize sucking on massive black cocks

| >>961717 anything related to 3d is straight up faggot stuff.
>fantasize sucking on massive black cocks
LOOK AT THE FUCKING PROJECTION! Who the fuck mentioned that all shit? I don't even want to know from which shithole you come from

>>961671 Meh, I guess you're half decent but it's great that you know how to draw lines to keep unrelated stuffs from each others, it's surprising how many do end up mixing a lot of things

| "ЮВАО" chan will always be in my head. Her story is the first internet story that i really like. cocci minis japan. What a funny capcha... Соси "минис", япония. Хахахаха!

| not really anime but Mamizou Futatsuiwa of 2hu fame

| >>961461
I think you two have to fight to the death now.

| >>961807
who will survive to love their waifu and reign supreme?

| My waifu is a little vampire named Shinobu

| >>961657
I won't kms because I'm happy and thriving owo I do wish you the best though as someone casually saying "kys" is probably not in a healthy place or mindset.

| Ozen the immovable(the lewdable)

| >>962379 okay you have very good taste, you're a refined gentleg/u/rl

Total number of posts: 34, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1688482265

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