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In theory

| If you wanna be making some digits salary annually with anime art how much work do you need to do with expectations of 100% sales

| 5-10 years worth

| >>952997 how do you describe that in the number of pieces or work hour also i mstyped so it s 6 digit annually to be expected

| >>953003
5-10 years is the average for an artist to transition from a normal job to full time as an artist. 6 figures will take longer.
>work hours
10-20/week, depending

| >>953048 then 5-10 years is a very wrong number, moron. Especially since it counts as transition.

| >>953056
You're a fucking retard who needs to learn to read. 5-10 years is how long to transition to full time work, you didn't mention six figures until the post after. If you wanna make six figures you better curb that fucking attitude because no one will hire you for shit if you give them lip like this.

| >>953059 she meant six figures in Indonesian fake money, so pretty much 7 USD

| >>953059 well whos hiring? You? How have been shit eating got you any far? Go fuck yourself nicer maybe. Or here you go, faggot. Try giving better details than talking like a 5 year old fag from 4chan.
Guess you failed to learn asking? Curb that i guess.
>>953061 cry me a river. You guys married for AIDS yet? Loser cunt. KEK

| >>953070
Enjoy making exactly $0, then. Talk shit like a 12yo internet tough guy all you want but that's a one way ticket to making no money, so I guess you don't want a six figure salary.
If I need to spoonfeed you one of the MANY job sites out there you're literally too stupid for any of these jobs

| >>953075 try hanging abit longer in the internet maybe, suck a wad.
Not like you got even ten bucks to spend for yourown self. KEK
Clearly you keep distorting the conversations to your favour, and still wonder why the fuck did they fire you for because you have done "everything".

Gee. Read a book maybe. Nobody wants to employ a moron.

| >>953076 how long have you been on the internet, 50k-chan? Why are you still sounding less coherent than the average ESL? Maybe just post in Indonesian, we will use google translate and hopefully your posts make more sense that way.

| >>953078 ey faggot. No need to be so racist. It makes me regret even consider your IQ to be actually real.

Maybe fucking learn to count than collecting historicals just to get some lip service, moron.

Also i dont gonna speak indonesian just for you to translate it: clearly you camel faggots have already hard time making sense of this otherwise a aesthethics, textual discussion

| >>953076
Lol, I make 50K a year and am on track to make 80k in just a few years. The one who should learn to read is you, I gave you everything you fucking need. Go ahead and doom yourself to forever being a poorfag by acting like a dumb bitch.
Holy shit even google translate isn't this bad. You really have no idea what the fuck you're saying, do you? Learn english and come back, no one's going to hire your ESL ass until you can speak fluently.

| >>953084 proof it, cunt. You dont lick balls, no i dont see it. I dont need to take any from you anushole either.

Also i guess you sell your attitude. Nice costumes, moron. Maybe focus on your dying, receptionist tables.

>no one
I did have a job without english so maybe you need abit of, Ear.

| >>953079 but you are confirmed to be komat kamit Indonesian, Just stating the fact doesn't make me racist. You on the other hand, have used the word "Huana" on the other 50k-thread about drawing translucency, which is considered racist in Indonesia.

| >>953087
Yeah lemme just open my bank account and give you the details. Are you fucking retarded? No wait, you are, because you're too fucking stupid to find a job listing. Maybe stop talking like you're hot shit when you can even handle basic tasks. If you want the job, ACTUALLY want the job, shut the FUCK up and go do the legwork to get it. If you can't be bothered to do that, then you don't want the job.

| >>953089 and you pass as spitshotting bladderfucker cowboy gungho with no wife nor families
>h word
You are japanese and american, you have no jokes but racism. Have you called the cops yet? Guess not since you still wanna talk to me for trashbag slurs since you cant affirm it anywehre else.

| >>953091
Did i state i wanna be an athlete or some potterboy for you? You must be fucking drunk.

Please leave, you are too fucking stupid even for my taste.
>back account
Learn to use your paypal, or better,
Youtube views. Or whatever man. There goes your job listingss....

| >>0465f8 >basic tasks
Like answering questions properly? You are doing that very nicely yourself.

Have a great job hunting. I am too old to not have some REAl savings on my fucking insurance.

| >>953093
>she doesn't understand what "leg works" means lol, certified ESL moment, lmao even

>>953092 nah, no one's nationality is confirmed, except for you, posting your compromised Indonesian email which leads to your scizo blog. Why try so hard to speak broken English? Please insult us using in Indonesian.

| *please insult in Indonesian

| >>953093
>Did i state i wanna be an athlete or some potterboy for you?
>Like answering questions properly?
If you can't find the job application, you don't want the fucking job, simple as. No one is going to get a job for you, because they could just get the job themself at the point, dumbass.

| >>953096 there is no indonesian email. You just gave away being retarded. KEKW
If you can keep your 50k with being this much of a loser, seems like i am 1 digit ahead than you.
>>953097 that ll be 6 digit
>>953099 >metaphor
Thats for moron
I give up. U can fuck your own self.

| >>953100
>I give up.
I knew you would, entitled brat.

| >>953100 check your email in Tokopedia leak. Your real name is in there.

6 digits in Indonesian fake money?

| >>953101 yes moron. Now go back to your basement.
>>953102 what tokopedia leak? Your shit bladder, i know.

| Thread on /u/ about learning language
Thread on /d/ about making art
Thread on /a/ about sales

Scizo 50k hours. No wonder so many threads, it's in the middle of the day in Indonesia.

| Locking due to duplicate threads. Also.. wtf? Haven't you g/u/rls learned not to respond to 50k-chan yet?

Total number of posts: 28, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1682316758

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