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Do you know anime about futanari?

| Not hentai, exactly anime


| You can may love this series

| Anime, none come to mind. Definitely a situation where you'll want to check manga

| >>942237
Please let it be demopan slapping you with a pan and declaring you a fagmuppet

| :(

| I know about some crossdressing anime, but no futanari anime. does it even exist?

| That defeats the point no? Although I guess that's an interesting concept? Like would you enjoy a show differently if you found out they all had diks but it didn't factor into the show at all, cracker

| I know one, Futanari Wa Pretty Cure

| >942717
lmao isnt it futari

| Kono suba movie

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1677214904

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