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Kaguya-sama is the greatest rom-com anime to be released in recent years.

| That is all.

Watch if you want good time.
S2 ongoing.

| Season 2 just repeats the same old jokes from before though, frankly it just getting boring now.

| >>667034
You're boring.

| >>667116 grear argument

| >>be26f5
I was gonna post about this topic but it turns out OP is a fag so I won't

| >>667619
Insert "you're a fag" here

| Look I could've argued that I disagree with >>667034, s2 has bigger developments with the characters being more aware of each other's feelings, and being more assertive. That the production quality of the show is damn high and we have extremely beautiful moments.

But if they don't like the show then eh what can I do, so

{insert meme reply}

| Uggggh I forgot you need a spaces after a tag, rip

| The manga's pretty dope too. The development gets real good.

| It's so cringy tho, way worse than other Rom coms

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1591793803

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