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you guys think anime is Bad influence for kids???

| it'll teach you how to be pedophile, incest, and to be psycho path.

| ohh wait I think it's h*ntai...

| It can turn you into a weeb, so yeah, high risk of mental degradation there.

| Bad influence for kids are people who think anime is bad influence for kids.

| i think millennials are being taught wrong about how media influences peoples behavior and morals. they seem to believe a sort of monkey-see-monkey-do model is in effect. people can be influenced by it, but it does not turn people into "pedophiles" or "psychopaths"

| they used to express similar fears when printing presses were everywhere and kids could go and buy a scary bad corrupting fictional novel about pirates or gangsters for a dime. there was a friggen moral panic over children reading books.

as it turns out, reading stories about bad people doing bad things does not convert us into bad people ourselves.

| My first contact with non-marketed-as-cartoon-for-children anime was in high school, and I was already fucked up long before.

It's not a bad influence for kid. It's a bad influence for adults.

| Turns you into cumbrain with too much hentai if ur not careful. Just don’t watch the ones specifically made to fuck you up mentally and you’ll be fine imo. Just go outside after watching anime. Don’t be a neck beard basement dweller.

| I watched panty and stocking with garterbelt when i was 13

| >>621487 I think you're supposed to close with "and I turn out just fine" when you say something like that

| >>621537 that's the point I assume

| >>621549
this is like when my parents go "we did x when we raised you, and you turned out just fine, right?" and im just like uhhhh

| It makes them more cultured as long as they're not autistic and start screaming Naruto jutsu's in public

| so who the fuck said anime is for kids ?

| >>621537 nah i wasnt making any point really that just came into my mind

| >>621713 anime tend to create people who pretend to care about culture but actually wants to twist culture by slapping moe shit on top of it.

| >>621728
Modern anime is a set of cliches and fan service for not the smartest teenagers

| I am pedo, with a slight risk of becoming psychotic, and it is certainly not because of anime. Not hentai either. Those things are actually an escape and an outlet for me. I can satisfy my fucked up attractions thanks to loli shit, and I can pull myself together and escape the world around me and scuffed feelings by watching anime. It is also possible to bond over anime, so really it's nothing but positive. At least from my experience.

| >>621713
Would you rather they run around screaming Fortnite shit? I mean, kids are gonna be kids. They're always scuffed and cringy. It doesn't matter which media they're pretending to be from. It's always gonna be wack, and honestly I find clips like the "god and anime on my side" kid to be a lot more entertaining than "we love Fortnite", you know?

| >>2a71b0 pedos need to be either killed or forever locked up. Please dont ever stop living a hikikomori lifestyle.

| >>622250
Oh, I don't live that kind of life. I'm actually quite social.

| >>622282 reddit doesn't count

| Anime is not a bad influence, hentai is

| I think kids are a bad influence on me.
I want to kill them after a while.

| >>622565
If Reddit is the first thing you think of when you see the word social you live a sad life.

| >>621175
Just modern anime tbh
I grew up with Hokuto no Ken and I'm thankful for the powerful human values it gave me between recycled animation bits of Ken ripping his shirt and exploding people with his hands.

| I got really into incest anime for a while. Obsessing over Yosuga no Sora, Kiss x Sis, Oreimo, Koi Kaze, and many of the hentai series out there. But I had already experienced sexual occurrences with my cousin as early as age 8 with her thinking she was "picking on me" by sitting on my face and touching my dick.

| Damn, that's pretty wild...

| No, just raise normal people and they'll watch anything and get some new perspective out of it.
Don't listen to obsessive parents, they are terrible parents

| a lot of japanese media (of merit at least) has themes about interpersonal connection, personal growth, and self fulfillment/reflection. that's why I enjoy the Persona series so much.

Total number of posts: 30, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1580799473

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