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Is the JJBA manga worth reading?

| I'm almost done watching all the anime. And am just wondering how different it is compared to the manga. Is it worth going back and reading some of the manga?

| It is always worth-it to check-out the manga

| The JoJo manga is definitely worth reading if you enjoyed the show and want more. Though iirc the anime is pretty faithful, outside of a couple of things that got cut here and there. So if you're looking for a lot of new stuff you'll have to read the unadapted parts.

| Yeah the anime adaptations cut pretty small parts, but the manga is pretty enjoyable if you are looking to read the unadapted parts

| hell yeah 100%

| I'd say only do it if you're genuinely curious. Like what others said here, the anime was quite faithful

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1717513086

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