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There's another massive Itch.io bundle

| https://itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-relief-bundle

$8 for roughly 200 or so games, with the money going to PCRF.

It's mostly indie games you've never heard of, but also some popular gems like A Short Hike, Wandersong, ZeroRanger.

Either way, it's a bunch of games for a good cause.

| Thanks for the info g/u/rl! I would have missed this. ( ^.^)/

| >>1011866 *fucks your mouth*

| Thank you for the heads up, I wouldn't have known about it otherwise!

| Thank you for the heads up, I wouldn't of known about it otherwise!

| Thanks for the heads up, I wouldn't of known about it otherwise!

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1713895660

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